Can you get your roof repaired or replaced during COVID 19 restrictions? The short answer is usually ‘yes’. But it does depend on the Alert Level (1-4) your region is under and the circumstances of the job.

Like all businesses, the roofing industry has had to quickly adapt to meet the new public health safety standards required under COVID 19 restrictions. These unprecedented times have brought about the need for contractors and customers to take extra precautions to minimise the spread of the virus.

Read on to learn more about what is needed to carry out safe roof repairs or replacements under the current COVID 19 conditions.

Roofer Installing Metal Sheet

NZ COVID 19 Restrictions For The Construction Industry

In New Zealand, roof replacement and repair falls under the building and construction category, which is considered an essential business to a certain degree. While the structural integrity of a roof is critical to keeping both residential and commercial buildings weathertight and safe, there are different restrictions based on the different Alert Levels as outlined below.

Under Alert Level 4

For those under Alert level 4 building, construction and maintenance services may be able to operate, but only if they meet one or both of the Government criteria below.

  • The work is necessary to address immediate risks to health and safety.
  • The work is necessary to nationally important infrastructure.

For roofing contractors, this means any non-urgent work must be left until Alert Level 4 has ended. So getting your new roof completed might be a bit of a stretch unless it was already well underway when the lockdown occurred and leaving it unfinished may result in a health and safety risk. Roof repairs will likely be managed on a case by case basis depending on the nature of the leak and whether it is a risk to the health and safety of the residents.

It is the responsibility of the roof repair business to check whether they meet the criteria for operating at Alert Level 4. And to meet the necessary safety protocols (outlined below).

Under Alert Level 3 Or Lower

The construction industry is able to return to work in an extended capacity during Level 3 and Level 2 restrictions. Health and safety measures must still be maintained along with comprehensive contact tracing. Physical distancing of at least 2 metres is still advised with the focus still squarely on limiting unnecessary interaction. Face masks are necessary and online payment options are strongly recommended, but yes you can get that new roof on or undertake roof maintenance or repairs when under Level 3 or lower Alert Levels in NZ.

Builders On Roof

What Safety Protocols Do Roofing Contractors Need to Follow?

In New Zealand, all businesses must have appropriate health and safety controls in place under all alert levels if they intend to operate legally. This means creating a COVID 19 Control Plan based on advice from the NZ Government. This Control Plan outlines the individual business’s COVID protocols under the four main areas of before arriving on-site, site entry, site operations (Including deliveries and visitors), and when leaving the site.

Classified as part of the construction sector, roofing contractors will need to address the following guidelines under each of the four sections in their Control Plan.

  • Physical Distancing. Workers on a construction site must keep at least 1 metre from each other and 2 metres away from all other people on the site including homeowners and workplace employees.
  • Attention To Hygiene. There must be extra measures in place to encourage and remind frequent hand washing and disinfection of tools, clothing and surfaces, along with the use of face masks where possible, particularly when entering the property or during any interaction with homeowners or other contractors that may be on site.
  • Contact Tracing. Measures must be in place to allow for effective contact tracing. This might include QR Codes or a manual register to record dates and times of entry, names and addresses.

The good news is since most of the work roofing contractors do is on the roof outside of your home, you shouldn’t have to be too concerned with minimising contact but they should still always maintain the necessary distancing between their co-workers and any other people on site.

Why You Shouldn’t Delay Getting Your Roof Repaired

Even though it may seem a bit of a hassle under all the restrictions, getting help as quickly as possible for your roof situation is essential even if Level 4 Lockdowns or level 3 restrictions are currently in operation. A leaky roof is a serious water tightness issue that can cause a much bigger problem if left unattended.

No matter how small the damage may seem, all it takes is one heavy downpour or unexpected weather event and the water damage can become catastrophic, leading to enlarged areas of water damage, heavy leakage, mould and mildew growth – which all leads to much more costly repairs. It is vital to fix your roof as quickly as possible.

What Roofing Repair Looks Like Under COVID 19 Restrictions?

If you are concerned about having a roofing contractor come to your home under COVID restrictions don’t hesitate to ask about their safety protocols, including how they maintain physical distancing,  disinfection of tools, vehicles and work attire while at your home.

Ensuring you pay for your roofing contractor’s services using digital transactions and receipts is a good way to minimise the need for person-to-person contact during the engagement process and while the roofing work is being carried out.

Most often, a roofing contractor carrying out leak repairs will only require access to your roof via the internal access manhole or from the outside. In order to reduce face to face interaction, you can ask the contractor to text before arrival, perhaps giving them a smile and wave from behind the window before they prepare to climb up on the roof or closing doors to the hallway or garage where the manhole is located and keeping family members out of the way.

Any further questions or conversations can also be made safely by phone or text while they are on site. These measures are designed to help ensure that everyone involved stays healthy and safe during these difficult times.

Where To Get COVID 19 Construction Industry Information

While it is up to each individual contractor to make the decision on whether they can safely operate at raised alert levels and whether the circumstances warrant immediate attention, it can be helpful to understand what their restrictions are when operating. Individual roofing contractors are likely to have their own Control Plan as mentioned above, but as required by law contractors will be following safety measures outlined by the following governmental organisations:

  • Construction Health and Safety New Zealand (CHASNZ). The leading organisation for health and safety standards across the construction industry in New Zealand.
  • Building Performance. The official site for Building and Construction Sector Guidance from the NZ government.
  • Unite Against COVID 19. The official New Zealand source of information for COVID 19 related data and guidance.
  • Construction Sector Accord. A platform used for construction industry and government to work together in creating guidelines and rules around various issues within the construction sector.
  • Worksafe New Zealand. The crown owned and operated Occupational Health and Safety Organisation of New Zealand.

Don’t let the coronavirus delay a much-needed roof repair or replacement. Find a qualified roofing contractor near you and get the job done today!

Please note: the information given in this post is intended as a guide only and is correct at the time of publishing. All COVID 19 information and guidelines are subject to change as we progress through these difficult times. For the most up to date information please see the links provided under the ‘Where To Get COVID 19 Construction Industry Information’ heading above.

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